11th August 2009 (Tuesday), college was inviting Prof Reily as our Distinguished Fellow (Felo Kehormat) for a talk to share success story in his career. The aim of this talk is to develop confidence to speak in English and encourage further study abroad. Below are some of the tips that had been given during the programmed.
Common Career Failings
- Lack of planning aims.
- Don't Drift.
- Lack of thought- What do you want to do?/ Why?/ What are your alternative?
- Built confidence.
- Focus- Minimize distruction.
- Hardwork.
- Stand out from the rest.
- Hardwork, focus, planning (again and again).
- Write, write, write (again).
- Present (again), collaborate (again).
- Travel.
- Additional skill experience.
- Level transferable skills.
- Major collaborations.
- Career planning/ decision making.
- Advice and mentoring.
- Use mentors.
- Advice choice of growing topic.
- Skill development- English, writing manners, presentation.
- Do not:
- Focus.
- Work hard.
- Plan.
- Reflect.
- Collaborate.
- Learn transferable skills.
- Never/ Rarely:
- Write papers.
- Present.
- Take advice monitoring.
- Think about your career.
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